Player/Parent Information


It is the responsibility of all parents and contestants to be aware of the

Policies of the Pepsi Little People’s Golf Championships

The Quincy Service Club takes great pride in its players, its host facilities and the community involvement of the Pepsi Little People’s Golf Championships (PLPGC).  In order to continue to provide an enjoyable event for everyone, the QSC requires its participants to adhere to a set of guidelines, which is to be followed both on and off the golf course throughout the duration of the tournament.  The 2025 PLPGC officially begins at 8 am on the Sunday morning of the Applebee’s Parent-Child event and continues through the final prize presentation on Wednesday evening.

CADDIES AND CARTS — No player may ride in a powered golf cart during his/her competitive rounds, with the exception of tournament-approved shuttles at certain sites.  Players in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 may have one caddie. Caddie may carry contestant in Divisions 1 if necessary.  All other players must walk.   Specified caddie only may give advice.  Players in Divisions 5, 6 and 7 may not have a caddie and must walk and carry their own bag or use a pull cart.  Players and parents in Sunday’s Applebee’s Parent-Child event may use powered golf carts.                   

CELL PHONES AND PAGERS Spectators are requested to NOT carry audible cell phones or pagers, or carry on a conversation on their phone, on any golf course during practice or competition rounds. 

CODE OF CONDUCT – Violations of the Code of Conduct include: verbal or physical abuse of any person, club throwing, cheating, disrespect of volunteers or officials, abuse of the golf course (divots not replaced, bunkers not raked, ball marks not repaired), discarded trash not placed in proper receptacle, vandalism, use of smoking or chewing tobacco products, use of drugs or alcohol, not adhering to dress code, leaving course during a competition round without permission of a PLPGC official, or any other conduct not becoming a PLP participant.  Competitors who violate the Code are subject to a two-stroke penalty or disqualification, dependent on PLPGC Tournament Committee decision.  Players and parents should always conduct themselves in a professional manner while at event sites.  Under no circumstances will displays of temper, by players or parents, either verbally or physically, be tolerated, and such acts will result in the permanent suspension of all parties involved from all tournament courses for the duration of the tournament and possibly future tournaments.  Other complaints or violations not specifically covered will be reviewed by the Tournament Committee, which will determine the final action to be taken.

COMPETITION – All play shall be governed by current USGA Rules of Golf and its Decisions, and, where applicable, by Local Rules, Conditions and Definements, subject to changes or amendments by the PLPGC Rules Committee (2025 Tournament Information).  PLPGC tournament officials at each competition course will be in charge of tournament activities at that course. Decisions of PLPGC officials are final.

DRESS CODE – Proper attire is required on every golf course, practice tee and practice green.  Any violation will result in the player not being allowed to participate until he/she has met the following regulations.  The dress code prohibits shoes having metal spikes, short shorts, tank tops, halter-tops, bare midriffs, T-shirts, denim shorts and jeans, and headphones.  All hats and caps must be worn properly; collared shirts, turtlenecks or mock turtles may be worn and must be tucked in (girls may wear a collarless shirt if it is part of a coordinated outfit).  Offensive slogans, language and/or pictures on clothing will not be tolerated.

GREEN READING MATERIAL – Any type of green-reading material, i.e. scopes, maps, apps or professionally-written notes or documents, will NOT BE ALLOWED during competition in the 2025 Pepsi Little People’s tournament.  This includes the Applebee’s Parent-Child and both competition rounds.  Hand drawn or written information about a putting green is only allowed if contained in a book or paper meeting the size limit (4-1/4”x7”) and written by the player and/or his or her caddie.  Any violation is cause for disqualification.

LIGHTNING — The signal for suspending play due to a dangerous situation will be a prolonged note of siren.  The signal to resume play will be two short notes of siren repeated. If lightning becomes a threat, or if the siren is sounded, TAKE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY – NOT under a tree!  Find shelter or crouch down as low as possible.  DO NOT spread eagle on the ground or seek shelter under a tree!  Each course has a plan in place to pick up as many people as possible swiftly in the case of extremely threatening weather.  No one may hit balls on the driving range or putt on the practice green during suspension of play.

PACE OF PLAY – Player must not unreasonably delay play, either when playing a hole or between two holes.  See Rule 5.6a for penalties for breach of rule. Players should play at a prompt pace throughout the round (see Pace of Play Rule 5.6b). In stroke play, players may play “ready golf” in a safe and responsible way (see Rule 6.4b Exception). The Pepsi Little People’s Committee recommends that a player should make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds after he/she is able to play without interference or distraction, and that an 18-hole round of golf should take no more than 4-1/2 hours. (See Rule 5.6a for penalties for breach of rule) 

PLAYER’S RESPONSIBILITIES – Carry enough liquid in your golf bag for at least nine holes.  Carry a current USGA Rules Book and the LPGC Tournament Information in your bag and know how to find answers.  Know the Definitions in the USGA Rules Book.  Range finders that measure distance only WILL BE ALLOWED during competition for players 3 through 18 in Little People’s.

PLAYING UP – It is the policy of Pepsi Little People’s that no boy or girl shall be allowed to play out of his or her age division.  Entries received by the Little People’s Headquarters staff will be placed in the age division that they are age-eligible for, and will be expected to play in that division.  Age Divisions are determined by the age a player will be on the FINAL DAY of Little People’s competition each year (June 18, 2025).

PRACTICE ROUND – Players or parents are responsible for calling their competition course at any time after May 1 to make a starting time for the official practice round on Monday.  Courses and phone numbers are listed in the parent’s acceptance letter.  One practice round per contestant on Monday is included in your entry fee.  Additional practice rounds at the competition golf courses may be played at any time before the tournament at the discretion of the golf course, upon payment of greens fees. Please call your competition course for a practice round starting time after May 1, 2025. 

RANGE FINDERS – It is the decision of the Pepsi Little People’s Board of Directors that rangefinders will be allowed for ALL players ages 3-18 in the Pepsi Little People’s Golf Championships. They shall also be allowed in the Applebee’s Parent-Child event. Rangefinders must measure DISTANCE ONLY, and must NOT measure any other condition such as wind, slope or temperature. Rangefinders that do not meet these requirements will not be allowed, whether these functions are used or not. Penalty for use of an unauthorized measuring device will be two strokes for a first offense.  Subsequent breaches of the rule will result in disqualification.

READY GOLF – To avoid slow play penalties, Little People’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDS that all players practice READY GOLF and, when possible, continuous putting.  See Recommendations for Ready Golf on our website (

REGISTRATIONRegistration for Little People’s player boys ages 3-13 and girls 3-18 registration will take place at Westview on Sunday, June 15th, from 9am until 6 pm, and on Monday, June 16th, from 8 am until 5 pm. Registration for boys ages 14-18 will take place at Spring Lake Country Club June 16th from 8am-5pm. IF FOR SOME REASON you cannot register in person during those specified times, players aged 3 through 18 MUST CALL Mark Christensen 217-577-9790  by 5 pm on Monday, June 16, to receive an approved exemption for late registration.

RULES OF CONDUCT – Our goal is for every contestant to compete in a relaxed, happy and safe atmosphere.  This can happen ONLY if contestants and parents have respect for their peers and adults.  Each player should expect the best emotional playing conditions in a calm and focused atmosphere.  We will NOT tolerate:

Outbursts of temper

Loud or demonstrative arguments or discussions

Verbal or physical abuse of any child

Any act that would humiliate or embarrass a contestant

Please take any arguments or discussions OFF the golf course and AWAY from the contestants as they compete.  Any violation of the above will mean PERMANENT SUSPENSION of all parties involved from all tournament courses for the duration of the tournament, and possibly from future tournaments.

SCORING – Caddie may count and record scores in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4.  Players in Divisions 1 and 2 are limited to 12 strokes per hole, including whiffs.  Each player in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 (boys and girls ages 3 through 11) may have one caddie only.  It is their responsibility to check the score recorded with the competitor after each hole.  

SECOND (FINAL) ROUND PAIRINGS – After the first round of play, all competitors will be regrouped by score for their final round, with the higher scorers teeing off first and the lower scorers teeing off last within their Division’s time frame.  Pairings for boys and girls aged 10 through 18 CANNOT be changed for any reason because of ranking restrictions. Second round pairings will be posted on the PLP golf app at conclusion of the first round of play on Tuesday. 

SPECTATORS – Spectators are welcome and may follow players in all Divisions, but may not communicate with them in any manner at any time during their competition round.  Clapping and encouragement for good play are allowed as long as it does not interfere with tournament play.  Contestants are reminded of Rule 10.2a and 10.2b concerning advice and receiving assistance.  Penalty two strokes. Contestants are reminded that significant contact/conversation may be construed as advice by fellow competitors.  Spectators are encouraged to come out and watch the youngsters compete on their own. 

STARTING TIMES – Rule 5.3a of the USGA Rules of Golf provides that the player must be ready to play at the starting time and starting point set by the committee.  The penalty for breach of this Rule is disqualification.  However,  if a player arrives at his/her starting point, ready to play, within 5 minutes after that starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes at the first hole. The Committee may decide that exceptional circumstances prevented the player from starting on time, in which case there is no penalty. We WILL NOT adjust second-round starting times in divisions 4, 5, 6 and 7 to accommodate special needs.  Please make travel plans accordingly.

TOURNAMENT ACCEPTANCE –  Tournament acceptance information is emailed once a player has been accepted into the tournament, and contains information vital to your entry and how to access additional important information on our website. 

TOURNAMENT ENTRY FORMS – Entry forms for the Pepsi Little People’s Championships will be available on our website on February 1, 2025. The entry form for the Applebee’s Parent child event and Champions Dinner (formerly the family celebration picnic) will be available March 1, 2025. Information on all competitions and associated events will also be posted at that time.  For further information, call or text Mark Christensen at 217-577-9790 or email [email protected]

WITHDRAWALS – You will be in violation of Pepsi Little People’s policy if you fail to complete your round OR if you fail to complete the stipulated number of holes for your Division, except for a legitimate reason.  If it becomes necessary for you to withdraw, you must notify the Little People’s Tournament Representative at your respective course, who will determine if the withdrawal is justified or unjustified.  If the withdrawal at any time is unjustified, you will be suspended from play in a Pepsi Little People’s event for the following year.